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Japanese Association of International Women’s Rights


About Us

The Japanese Association of International Women’s Rights (JAIWR) is an NGO aiming to promote and protect women’s human rights based on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (the Convention).  In order to reach its goal, JAIWR conducts research, publishes an annual journal and educational materials, and holds meetings and symposia on topics relating to the Convention and the work of the UN.  JAIWR was founded in 1987 and acquired a consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council in 1998.  From the beginning, JAIWR has been sending its representatives to observe the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) sessions and other relevant meetings and conferences of the UN.


Our Vision and Role

JAIWR’ s vision is to create a society where human rights of women are secured and gender equality is realized. JAIWR works to disseminate information about, and advocate for the full and effective implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, thus helping to bring Japanese legislation and practices in line with international standards. We are particularly involved in activities regarding the CEDAW. Whenever the CEDAW has examined Japan’ s compliance with the Convention, we have submitted our views on the implementation of the Convention in Japan to the Committee and attended all the meetings. When Japan’ s report to the CEDAW was examined in 2003,2009 and 2016, we took joint action with our colleagues in the Japan NGO Network for CEDAW and went to New York and Geneva to make our views on the implementation of the Convention known to the CEDAW. After the CEDAW issued its concluding observations, we thoroughly monitored whether the recommendations were being implemented by the Japanese government. Without active monitoring by NGOs such as JAIWR, it is impossible to ensure the full and effective implementation of human rights treaties.


  • JAIWR supports activities to promote women’s human rights by providing funds to individuals and/or groups trying to make a difference with their activities.  The funds were contributed by Ms. Ryoko AKAMATSU, the former president of JAIWR and a former member of the CEDAW.


Co-President/CEO            Mutsuko ASAKURA        Sumiko YAZAWA


Honorary chairperson



Postal address:

Japanese Association of International Women’s Rights

c/o Office of Professor Mariko Takeda

College of Liberal Arts 

Tsuda University 2-1-1 Tsuda-machi, Kodaira-shi,

Tokyo187-8577, Japan

Fax: +81-3-5905-0365



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